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847 Parchment Drive, Suite 105, Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Spravato (Esketamine) Raising Both Hopes and Concerns

Many of you may or may not have heard that Spravato (Esketamine), a nasal spray, was approved by the US FDA in March of 2019 for treatment-resistant depression.  This new drug is a ketamine cousin since it is a portion of the ketamine molecule.  It has been touted as a breakthrough in the treatment of depression.  I think the jury is still out.  There are many things about Spravato that may be beneficial, but there is a lot we do not know.  The patient treatment course is long and difficult with 2 treatments per week for 1 month, and 1 treatment per week for a month following the initial month of treatment.  Those treatments are required to be given in an office with an observation period of 2 hours for each treatment.  Janssen, the makers of Spravato, did perform clinical trials but again I think the jury is still out.  I think there is more evidence to support the use of intravenous ketamine as a treatment for depression at this time.  As a member of the ASKP (American Society of Ketamine Physicians), I have attended conferences and webinars with leaders in the field of ketamine.  I have heard the stories of their successes.  I have seen my own patients turn their lives around after receiving intravenous ketamine therapy for depression.  If you have questions about ketamine, give us a call.  The team at Thrive is here to help.  We want you to flourish without restrictions.

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You can be one step closer to finding the relief you are looking for. Dealing with the symptoms of depression, PTSD, OCD, anxiety, and chronic pain can be hard. Starting today, it doesn’t have to be. Request more information and learn if ketamine treatment is right for you. There is hope. We can help.

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