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Tag: ketamine infusions near me

What is ketamine infusion therapy

What Is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

You've likely heard about ketamine, but the key takeaway is that it's a medicine that can help reduce mental and physical suffering if you haven't found therapy or medicine that works for your condition. What Is Ketamine? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Ketamine is a versatile medicine and…

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Chronic pain treatment grand rapids

What Does Chronic Pain Mean?

Everyone, thanks to the structure of the human brain and other factors, perceives discomfort in different ways. We can think of acute, localized pain as a temporary annoyance. But other pain, which lasts for months or longer without a cause, may then be described as chronic pain.Read More

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Chronic pain treatment grand rapids

How You Can Manage Chronic Pain

What is chronic pain? “Chronic pain lasts months or years and happens in all parts of the body. It interferes with daily life and can lead to depression and anxiety. The first step in treatment is to find and treat the cause. When that isn't possible, the most effective approach…

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Acute pain what is it blog

Acute Pain Vs. Chronic Pain

Most people experience pain, mostly acute, which normally has a specific cause and disappears on its own. But some pain without an obvious cause lingers for six months or more, progressively becoming chronic and interfering with your daily life. Therapy and certain medicine like ketamine may help reduce its symptoms.Read…

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Self-Injury and Self-Harm Awareness Month

March is self-injury and self-harm awareness month.  I would like to take this opportunity to let you know what self-harm is.  Typically self-harm is anything someone does to intentionally injure themselves to deal with emotional pain.  Examples of self-harm include behaviors like cutting, banging your head, or burning of the…

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Spravato (Esketamine) Raising Both Hopes and Concerns

Many of you may or may not have heard that Spravato (Esketamine), a nasal spray, was approved by the US FDA in March of 2019 for treatment-resistant depression.  This new drug is a ketamine cousin since it is a portion of the ketamine molecule.  It has been touted as a…

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